Centro de serviços

Hebei Sanye Tecnologia de Fluídos Limitada

After-sales Service

You can feedback quality problems by contacting your sales staff

Sanye Technology provides customers with comprehensive after-sales service. During the product warranty period, if there are product quality problems caused by our company's responsibility, after full investigation and evidence collection, Sanye Technology guarantees to reply within two working days (except holidays and special periods), and send people to In the case of handling, our company will confirm the itinerary with the customer in advance and arrive at the scene as soon as possible.

Linha direta de serviço: +86 400 0318 111

E-mail : admin@sanyeflex.com


Telefone: +86 400 0318 111

E-mail: admin@sanyeflex.com

Endereço: No.218 Rua Zhongke, Zona de Alta Tecnologia, Cidade de Hengshui, Província de Hebei, China

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